Americans living in East Palestine, Ohio, and central Oklahoma are recovering from February disaster...
Behind the scenes of every good, dangerous television program, is a team of on-set medics there to keep the stars safe.
Coffee or Die Magazine buzzes Baboquivari Peak and beyond, looking for smugglers and lost hikers.
Jesus Alberto Ibarra-Barraza has been indicted for vowing to murder a federal agent the day after he was detained for allegedly smuggling Guatemalans into the US near Arivaca, Arizona.
The FBI and the Coast Guard Investigative Service arrested the catamaran skipper in the Gulf of Mexico.
Colorado cop and Air Force veteran Dillon Vakoff died after responding to a domestic disturbance.
A law enforcement database query tipped off officials about her sham marriage.
What caused an attack on an officer on the Crow Indian Reservation?
A golden retriever bounds into the Colorado brush. Can rescuers find Farrah before the coyotes do?
David Scott Scofield will spend 18 months inside a federal penitentiary.